How to set Auto Logon for Domain Computer

Auto Logon for Domain Computer

Open the registry editor (regedit), navigiate to,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Edit registry values for;

Auto Logon for DOMAIN USER on Domain Computer

AutoAdminLogon - Set value to 1
DefaultDomainName - Set the value to your DOMAIN NAME
DefaultUserName - Set value to the username that will be use as auto login.
DefaultPassword - Set the value to the user account password.

Auto Logon for LOCAL USER on Domain Computer

AutoAdminLogon - Set value to 1
DefaultDomainName - Set the value to your LOCAL HOSTNAME
DefaultUserName - Set value to the username that will be use as auto login.
DefaultPassword - Set the value to the user account password.
AutoLogonCount and AutoLogonChecked - Delete if its exist.